北大医学人文讲堂第114期 Making Medical Advances Available: Institutional Change and Tuberculosis Control in Mao-Era Shanghai

时  间:2023年5月15日(周一)上午09:00-10:00

地  点:北京大学医学部逸夫楼620 会议室

主讲人:Rachel Core副教授(美国斯泰森大学)

主持人:苏静静 副教授 (北京大学医学人文学院)

评议人:张大庆 博雅特聘教授 (北京大学医学人文学院)


Tuberculosis was the world’s most widespread and deadly infectious disease throughout the twentieth century, including in Mainland China. During the 1950s and 1960s, there was great optimism that the disease would be fully eradicated due to the discovery of effective antibiotics, yet TB remains with us and drug-resistant strains have become more prevalent. This talk will illustrate how the urban work-unit system became an effective distribution point for medical and public health interventions, including widespread case identification and isolation of sufferers, starting in the 1950s. Since the dismantling of the work-unit system in the 1990s, China faced increasing TB control challenges at the same time as the nation became an economic superpower. The talk will conclude that the need for an effective implementation point for public health interventions remains relevant in today’s era of newly emerging diseases.


Rachel Core(郭瑞琪),卡尔顿学院亚洲研究学士、伦敦大学亚非研究学院发展研究硕士、约翰斯·霍普金斯大学社会学博士,现任斯泰森大学(Stetson University)社会学与人类学系主任、副教授。目前主要研究单位制的兴衰对上海结核病控制的影响。
