预告|【北大医学人文讲堂 132 期】走出完美主义的阴影:理解、接纳与治疗


点:北京大学医学部逸夫教学楼 716 会议室

主讲人:王子健 教授(美国富勒心理研究院

主持人:苗淼 助理教授(北京大学医学人文学院)





王子健博士是美国富勒心理研究院 (Fuller School of Psychology & Marriage and Family Therapy) 的临床心理学系教授。王教授是美国心理学会的院士 (APA Fellow)。他也是在洛杉矶地区执业的心理师,并持有加州和伊利诺州的执照。他拥有宾州州立大学 (Penn State University) 的心理咨询学博士学位。曾任教于密苏里大学 (University of Missouri, 2009-2014) ,曾在伊利诺大学香槟校区 (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) 以及台湾东华大学担任心理咨询师。王教授的研究方向包含:完美主义、量表编制、以及跨文化心理适应。他在SSCI期刊中发表了近70篇实证研究论文,并合著「咨询心理学的研究设计」第四版的教科书。2023年,王教授荣获美国心理学会咨商心理组国际分会杰出贡献奖。

Kenneth T. Wang is a Professor in Clinical Psychology at Fuller School of Psychology & Marriage and Family Therapy, and a fellow of the American Psychological Association. He is also a practicing psychologist in the Los Angeles area, licensed in California & Illinois. He received his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Penn State University. Prior to Fuller, Kenneth taught at University of Missouri and worked as a staff psychologist at the University of Illinois and a counselor at National Dong-Hwa University in Taiwan. Kenneth’s research focuses on perfectionism, psychological measurement, and cross-cultural psychological adjustment. Dr. Wang has published around 70 empirical research articles in SSCI journals on these topic areas. He also coauthored the textbook Research Design in Counseling 4th Edition. In 2023, Kenneth received the Excellent Contribution Award from the American Psychological Association in the International Section of the Society of Counseling Psychology.
