北大医学人文讲堂(第一百一十五期)Water Resources and Wastewater Management in Mexico: Environmental and Health issues

间: 2023年5月22日(周一)上午9:00-10:00

点: 北京大学医学部逸夫楼 620 会议室

主 讲 人: Adalberto Noyola /主任(墨西哥国⽴⾃学驻北京外国语学墨西哥研究中

主 持 人:  苏静静 副教授(北京大学医学人文学院)

与 谈 人:  张大庆 博雅特聘教授(北京大学医学人文学院)



Water scarcity is becoming a major problem in many regions of the world. The impact of climate change has introduced many stress conditions to the water balances in the ecosystems and related human activities. In addition, population growth and economic development demand more water resources.The center-northern part of Mexico is located in the north desert belt, around the 30º North latitude and the Tropic of Cancer). In this region, a significant fraction of the Mexican population is located, together with industrial and agricultural production. However, water resources are scarce, mostly based on overexploited aquifers.The situation of water resources availability in Mexico will be presented, together with the wastewater management and the still limited water reuse practices. In addition, some public health aspects related to water supply and reuse will be mentioned.


Adalberto Noyola,法国图卢兹insa博士。墨西哥国立自治大学高级研究员,前工程研究所所长。国家研究人员系统(III)的成员。曾担任多个专业协会的主席,包括美洲卫生与环境工程协会(AIDIS)。拥有5项专利,并在主要科学期刊(JCR)上发表了64篇研究论文。指导本科生54人,硕士生29人,博士生11人。研究项目涉及厌氧过程(废水处理、污泥消化、膜生物反应器)和城市污水处理设施的甲烷排放。《Chemosphere(IF 8.94)和《水科学与技术》(IF 2.43)的副主编。现任墨西哥国立自治大学墨西哥研究中心(北京)主任。

Adalberto Noyola is an environmental engineer with a PhD from INSA-Toulouse, France. He is a senior researcher and former Head of the Institute of Engineering at UNAM; he is a member of the National System of Researchers (III). He has served as president of several professional associations, including the Inter American Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (AIDIS). He is author of 5 patents and has published 64 research papers in leading scientific journals (JCR). He has been the supervisor of 54 undergraduate students, 29 master students and 11 PhD students. His research projects deal with anaerobic processes (wastewater treatment, sludge digestion, membrane bioreactors) and methane emission from municipal wastewater treatment facilities. He serves as associate editor for Chemosphere (IF 8.94) and Water Science and Technology (IF 2.43). At present, he is the director of the Center for Mexican Studies of UNAM in China (Beijing).
