预告|【北大医学人文讲堂 126 期】 CACE Asia系列讲座(四)

Conversation Analysis and Its Application in Medical Interaction



点:北京大学医学部逸夫楼 716 会议室

主讲人:Geoffrey Raymond 教授(美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校)

主持人:李芳 副教授(北京大学医学人文学院)



This lecture will review and develop empirical knowledge about the doctor-patient relationship, using recorded medical interactions to analyze the nature and dynamics of routine office visits and touch on other types of office visits. The lecture will focus on the nature and role of norms in regulating doctor-patient conduct, the role of expertise and power in the doctor-patient relationship, and will address methodological questions concerning how the doctor-patient relationship can be most fruitfully analyzed.



Geoffrey Raymond is a Professor of Sociology and Linguistics at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His research uses detailed analyses of large databases of video-recordings to examine talk-in-interaction as a point of production for social life. Current projects include understanding routine sources of trouble and inequity in police encounters with the public, situational factors and mechanisms in enactments of violence, and practices through which social categories are used, reproduced, and resisted. His research has appeared in the American Sociological Review, Research on Language and Social Interaction, Social Psychology Quarterly, and Language in Society, among other places. He is also co-editor of several edited collections including, Talk and Interaction in Social Research Methods, Conversational Repair, and Human Understanding, and Enabling Human Conduct: Studies of talk-in-interaction in honor of Emanuel A. Schegloff.

Geoffrey Raymond博士是美国加利福尼亚大学圣芭芭拉分校的社会学和语言学教授。Raymond教授的研究基于对数据库中大量影像资料的详尽分析,论证了互动性对话是社会生活产物的一部分。目前,Raymond教授有两个研究项目,分别是探讨警民互动中问题与不平等性的产生根源、暴力行为产生的情景因素和机制、以及社会类别在实践中的应用、再生产和被抵制的行为研究。他的研究在《美国社会学评论》《语言与社会互动研究》《社会心理学季刊》及《社会中的语言》等学术期刊中均有发表。Roymond教授还是Talk and Interaction in Social Research Methods, Conversational Repair, and Human Understanding, Enabling Human Conduct: Studies of talk-in-interaction in honor of Emanuel A. Schegloff这些著作的主编之一。

CACE Asia介绍

2019年11月在北京大学医学人文学院召开的“全国第一届医疗会话分析研习班”上,世界知名学者John Heritage 教授正式启动了CACE Asia,为亚洲医疗会话分析学者提供了合作、交流、资源共享的学术研究平台。
